In the distant future, a seven-year-old girl named Ella is gleefully testing her limits in a star-filled playground called ‘The Milky Way.’ Ella is a bright-eyed girl propelled by curiosity and ambition. She won’t stop until she has discovered everything that the universe has to offer. A natural born leader, Ella and her best friends – Slippy (a space native) and Madhu (a space alien) – are discovering exciting new worlds and doing amazing things that nobody else has ever done before like surfing supernovas, riding comets, and racing Moon Scooters around Saturn’s rings.
Adam Long
Tom van Gestel
Freek Quartier
Executive Producers
Geert Torfs
Tom van Gestel
Jonathan Finkelstein
Madeleine Lévesque
Head Writer
Matt Schiller
Aardman Animations